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Yes, you should be inspired and yes, you should feel joy as a practicing musician. Certainly not every single minute, but in large measure. And it's possible - by focusing on the process of practice in a different way.
The Practizma Practice Journal is a guided sequence.
Each week of the 16-week journal is divided into 4 main elements:
⇨ Goal setting pages
⇨ Action challenge
⇨ Reflection prompt
⇨ Journal pages
The action challenge & reflection prompt changes weekly. That means you get 16 sets of those elements throughout the 16-week planner! See samples below.

Goal Settings Pages

Action Challenge

Reflection Prompt

Journal Pages
Proven Strategies for getting more out of your practice sessions and feeling good about the musical journey is what the Practizma Journal​ is all about: deliberate and joyful practice. I’m talking about the type of practice that leads both to the quickest progress and the most positive journey for musicians - what I call discovery practice.
Practizma Practice Planner Reviews
An astute application of positive psychology principles to reframe and anchor habits of practice and thought that will help keep the joy of music-making alive for many!
Highly recommend.
Susan M.
This is the perfect music journal for me. So motivating!
Matthew C.
I am finding many of the ideas and suggestions very helpful. Also we are going through the 16 weeks in a group, which is so empowering—an extra boost to stretch beyond my usual comfort zone. I love the emphasis on growth and joy.
Christina P.
This journal is absolutely fantastic. I've always been interested in different ways to practice efficiently, and now I finally found a place to mindfully organize all of these ideas. I think the best part of the journal is the clarity it brings to my practice, and from clarity comes true growth. I couldn't recommend it more!
Camila M.
Clear, concise for approaching practicing in the most productive ways. I am using it for myself, and will require students to use it too!
Joan S.

"Practizma is a wonderful resource for anyone looking to improve their practice."
International Clarinet Association, The Clarinet

"Practizma is a wonderful resource for anyone looking to improve their practice."
International Clarinet Association, The Clarinet

"The journal includes everything from inspiration to easy-to-apply habits to practical injury prevention, that all together will aid you in making practice part of your daily routine." Music Connection
Sign up and I'll send you the intro + 3 sample prompts from the Practizma Practice Journal so you can get a taste of what it's all about!
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Psychology of Empowered PracticeFeeling good about our musical journey is not a nice to have, it's a must-have. Our habits can make us happy or miserable. The best practice habits fuel not only our progress but our state of mind as well. This workshop teaches musicians how to cultivate empowered habits - practice habits that make us more confident, more relaxed, and more efficient in our work. Research from the human behavioral sciences can show us how to build a toolkit of efficient practice habits empowered work habits tips for feeling the joy again. This workshop is designed to provide simple solutions for complex musicians.
Anatomy of Deliberate PracticeBreaking things down and putting them back together, that's what great practice is all about. I explain a touch of neuroscience and introduce tactical tools. This instrument-in-hand workshop is designed to identify the most powerful breakdown mechanisms for students: separation training pattern training cross training ergonomic training isolation training sequence training
Technology in PracticeThe best of music and sports apps demonstrated in real time. Apps make practice more data driven and more engaged. With student volunteers from class we take a tour through apps that help us easily record ourselves, build rhythm, gamify practice, and learn what our bodies are really doing. Includes a handout with links to all the apps.
Stage Freight Training with Heart Rate MonitorsThis workshop uses a heart rate monitor to show students what really happens to our bodies during stage fright. Students learn about the science of adrenaline, and how to work with their bodies to to learn to cope with stage fright. Subtopics within the workshop: The Science of Neurotransmitters Practice Room Intervention Backstage Interventions Onstage Interventions Simulation Training & Gamifying
Discipline & Resilience Building for MusiciansStudents learn how to cultivate the two quintessential musician dispositions. This is a workshop is designed to help students hone two of the most important habits for their career in the long term: Discipline [dis-uh-plin]: showing up regularly, focusing on the right thing, working efficiently, observing sprint/rest cycles, chipping away at your craft. Resilience [re-sil-yuhns]: pushing through when things get tough, accepting and learning from failures, taking on risk, soliciting feedback, buoyancy, really going for it instead of playing it safe, getting out there. In this class you’ll do a self-assessment in D&R and learn some powerful hacks for making changes. Learn how to become more disciplined, focused and daring. Small changes can make a big impact with the help of the right tools and mindset. Concrete things you will get out of this workshop: A D&R self-assessment to understand where you need to grow Simple hacks for building strong, sustainable discipline & resilience Recommendations for habit tools, structures & resources Actionable inspiration and a sense of empowerment
The Artist Athlete: Injury PreventionProtect the Asset! Injury Prevention for Musicians with all the statistics, realities, and most importantly, preventative strategies for both instrumentalists and singers. Protect the asset! Injury rates among musicians are epidemic and preventable. This presentation covers the following topics: scope of the problem, common injuries, causes, solutions, and tools for prevention - everything NASM wants schools to cover. It can be presented for instrumentalists alone, or instrumentalists and singers. ​ Covered Topics: ​ what are the most common injuries? what causes or contributes to injuries? best injury prevention techniques hearing damage facts and prevention info great apps for data-driven & efficient practice take-home handouts, plus Q&A ​ Package Includes: ​ 50, 60, or 75 minute presentation, depending on client needs. PDF handout and electronic copy for student handbook
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