Would you like to use technology and other tools to make practice more efficient and fun?
Well, you're in the right place.
This page lists some of my favorite apps, books, podcasts, and websites. If it's on this list, I've used it for my own practice. Links are for IOS, but most are on Android as well.
apps for practice:
Clipza App (easy video capture...ok, I admit I made it)
hudle Technique (sports video recording app)
tunable (tuner, metronome, recording)
Rhythm Sight Reading Trainer (Complete Rhythm Trainer on Android)
Niosh Sound meter app (for noise exposure)
Video Delay Pro (video analysis)
TW Recorder (easy recording)
Daily Decision wheel (technique randomizer) Daily decision on android.
SYNKD App (rhythm chains)
Rhythm Genius (drum track metronome)
earplugs for musicians:
Musician's Way (Gerald Klickstein)
Rosindust: Teaching, Learning and Life from a Cellist's Perspective (Cornelia Watkins)
The Savvy Music Teacher and Savvy Musician (David Cutler)
The Perfect Wrong Note: Learning to Trust Musical Yourself (William Westney)
The Art of Practicing: a Guide to Making Music from the Heart (Deline Bruser & Yehudi Menuhin)
Atomic Habits (James Clear)
Effortless Mastery (Kenny Werner)
websites & podcasts:
JasonHeath doublebassblog.com
Neil Pasricha (international happiness guru) Blog
musician wellness: